

Generate unique musical ideas with non-linear western scales using Jace Claytons’ Free Max for Live Sufi bundle

In 2001 Jace Clayton recorded a three-turntable, sixty-minute mix and put it online to share with friends. Within weeks, Gold Teeth Thief became an international calling card, whisking Clayton away to play a nightclub in Zagreb, a gallery in Osaka, a former brothel in Sao Paolo, and the American Museum of Natural History. Just as the music world made its fitful, uncertain transition from analog to digital, Clayton found himself on the front lines of creative upheavals of art production in the twenty-first century globalized world.

10 Essential Applications For Audiophiles

Assuming most musicians and producers tend to buy a Mac for their professional use, I've complied a list of applications that can take away your stress arising from the maintenance of your computer. A studio computer usually needs this kind of maintenance from time to time, and a lot of audio aficionados and DJs will find some of these tools very useful to organise and edit their collections, while some other apps bring very powerful features that the OS might be missing. Without being biased towards windows users, there's a few that work on both the platforms in this list. If you have any recommendations, please leave them in the comments below.

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