We pick up where we left off from our debut edition featuring FILM, as we continue to prod your favorite electronic music artists to wade through their music repositories to bring us tracks earmarked for situations that are just a bit unusual.

Needles in a haystack - Arjun Vagale
Arjun Vagale

This week we send our sound-sniffing drones deep into the vaults of one of India’s most revered electronic artists, Arjun Vagale.  His career spans over a period of more than 20 years and has played at some the best dance music destinations in the world. He recently made his debut at the Awakenings music festival in Amsterdam.

Arjun also currently runs his own record label Odd-recordings and is the founder of Unmute Agency based in Delhi.

The track that is your dance-floor weapon


The track that grew onto you


The track you would play to show-off your diversity


The track you wish you had never played

One had to play all sorts of shit back in the day!

The track that you would play to your pet

That track you love closing your sets with

The track you want to be played at your funeral

The track that inspired you at a critical point in your life

The Track you played that emptied the dance floor 

Hmmm… I don’t think that’s ever happened to me!

The track that you wished you produced?

 A track that’s an all time classic to you



